Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day

Happy Valentine's Day!! Andy and I had a great night out to dinner last night and then spent today loving on our kiddos!! They are so precious and bring a whole new meaning to Valentine's Day! I made the kids heart-shaped cookies and I think we've eaten every one of them today!

Brady & Hudson had their Valentine's party at school yesterday. Thank goodness Andy was free Friday morning because their parties were at the same time. Andy & Ella joined Hudson first while I set things up for Brady's party and then we switched.....that way we were both able to go to both of their parties. I believe Hudson has a new Valentine.....this precious little girl, Claudia, sits next to him and he just adores her. When she left he said, "Bye, Claudia. Happy Valentine's Day....I love you!" He's such a hammm.....or should I say he's just like his daddy!

Happy Valentine's Brady!
Check out Brady's "big boy" haircut!
I think Hudson was excited to see me!
Do you think Ella might be a tad bit jealous???


steele family said...

Happy Valentine's Day! That is so great that you were able to make it to both parties.