Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Brady Graduates

Okay, so it's not quite high school graduation, but it's still a big moment at our house. I still cannot believe my baby, I mean my big boy, is old enough to have completed Kindergarten and enter 1st grade in August. I'm just not ready to let him grow up. I'm so proud of everything he has accomplished and how much he has learned, but it makes me so sad to admit he's leaving the little boy stage and becoming a "big" boy. Can we not put the brakes on and just slow this growing up thing down just a little bit!! I asked him the other day what he was most excited about going to the first grade and his response was, "staying all day like the other big kids and learning to write in cursive." Yes, he is eager to stay all day.....what kid wants to stay at school all day!! His school offered K5 half-day or full-day and I just couldn't send him all day. I guess he was ready, but of course mommy wasn't ready to let go. Of course like every other event at our house things were pretty hectic so I didn't get many great pictures, but here's a few of the one's I did get.

The Class of 2009

Is he excited or what!!!

I love that smile!


Shea Stringer Long said...

oh, he is so so cute.

steele family said...

How adorable is he in the cap and gown?! Too cute :)

The Morgan's said...

Cannot believe how big he has gotten!!! I will have the same problem!!!