Ahh.....rub-a-dub-dub....three clean kids in the tub!!
Once again it was very quiet in my house......this is why!!
Hudson's response: "I was helping you, Mommy.....I cleaned the mirror, my hands, and my feet. See mommy.....we're all clean!"
Thursday, June 28, 2007
Splish, splash!
Posted by Andi at 9:21 AM 4 comments
Monday, June 25, 2007
Good Bye, Farewell, & Best of Luck!
Well, We've always known this day was coming....but never did we think it would get here so soon! The Freemyers' have said "goodbye" and made their move to Texas. "Who are the Freemyers?", some of you may ask. Well, they were our neighbors across the street, but they are more than just neighbors. They have become dear friends to us. Kristi and I have spent many, many hours sitting on one of our porches visiting while our kids ran around and played. They moved in just a few weeks before we did and our kids became friends instantly! We knew the first day we met them that they were only here for a short while. Vincent, excuse me, Dr. Freemyer, was doing his residence in ER at UMC. Their intentions were to finish residency and move back to San Antonio.........our intentions were to convince them to stay.....we'll that didn't work. Vincent graduated from his residence program on Friday (Congratulations Dr. Freemyer!!) and they loaded the U-haul and headed for San Antiono on Saturday. We will miss them dearly.....the first thing Brady asked is "Mom, who will we play with now?" My heart just broke when he asked me that. They have played together almost everyday for the past two years. Hudson wanted to know where was Emma and when was she coming home! Poor baby, he's too young to understand the whole concept of moving to another state. Their house has not sold yet, so we are just praying that God will bless us again with more wonderful neighbors and friends.
Brynn, Ashlyn, Ella, and Darci saying "good-bye"
Goodbye to the Freemyers!
I tried to find some pics of the kids playing together over the past two years, and I guess I never had my camera while they were playing. Krisit and I were too busy running our mouths (I know so many of you are soooo suprised!!) Here's a little slide show of what I did find:
Posted by Andi at 12:54 PM 2 comments
Thursday, June 21, 2007
One Year Check-up
Ella had her one year check-up today! She had a great check-up and appears to be very healthy!! We're still battling some reflux issues, but nothing major. We just have to put her back on her prevacid for a little while. I was hoping we'd be over that by now, but what I thought was a cough and congestion appears to be reflux. It doesn't seem to bother her - thank goodness! We went in thinking we were getting 3 vaccinations, but much to our suprise we only had to get 2 - yippie!! She didn't have to get the chicken pox vaccination because she had a pretty good case of the chicken pox when she was 4 months old! She did great with the shots....she only cried for a few seconds and then was back to her cheerful, happy self!! Thank goodness she's turned out to be such a happy, healthy little girl.....she sure didn't start off that way! Here 's a quick look how much she's grown in the past year:
12 Months:
Weight - 20 lbs (50th percentile)
Length - 29 1/4 in. (90th percentile)
Head - 17 1/4 in. (20th percentile)
6 Months:
Weight - 14 lbs. 14 ozs (25th percentile)
Length - 26 1/2 in. (75th percentile)
Head - 16 1/4 in. (10th percentile)
Weight - 7 lbs. 12 ozs
Lenth - 19 1/2 in.
Head - 13 in.
We're not use to those 25th & 50th percentiles....the boys were always way off the charts!!! I kept asking her doctor, are you sure nothing's wrong with her? She assured me that she was fine....she is just a petite little girl!!
Look, I've grown this much!
I'm tough. I've got big brothers.....shots won't hurt me!
Posted by Andi at 8:10 PM 2 comments
Saturday, June 16, 2007
Happy Birthday Ella!!
Ella's first birthday was Thursday, June 14th. I cannot believe a year has already passed. I know I say this all the time, but WOW time really does fly!! It seems like just yesterday we were battling those crazy days of COLIC!! (Okay, I'm so glad that time has flown by and we are way beyond that.) But really....it's like I went to bed one night and she was 10 weeks old and then I woke up the next morning and it was her first birthday!!!! How does that happen??? She's growing up way too fast!!
June 14, 2006
June 14, 2007
We celebrated today with a little party at our house. Ella was so precious and had so much fun at her first birthday party! It was like she knew it was "all about her". She was interested in everything that was going on around her......especially the presents. I don't remember Brady or Hudson being that interested in opening their gifts on their first birthday. Here are a few pics for Ella's party!
Posted by Andi at 9:27 PM 8 comments
Thursday, June 14, 2007
Nine Years!
Andy and I celebrated our 9th wedding anniversary on Wednesday, June 13. WOW!! I still can't believe it's already been nine years. We celebrated with a nice dinner out and then a trip to Target (I know it's not very romantic, but hey we didn't have any kids with us and I had to get diapers and apple juice!!). We ended the night with ice cream from Marble Slab. It was nice to be out with Andy and actually be able to talk and enjoy our meal. I have the most wonderful husband in the world!! He is so thoughtful and always very helpful with the kids. I tried to reflect upon the past nine years and what we have experienced. Here's just a quick list of what we've been through:
- Lived in 4 different cities (Brandon, Hattiesburg, Gulfport, Biloxi)
- 8 different job changes between the two of us
- Purchased 3 homes (one we built)
- Purchased 4 vehicles
- Adopted a dog (our first child - Mollie)
- Had 3 children within four years
- Hurricane Katrina (Andy's parent's home was severely damaged & several of our friends and family members lost their homes)
- Experienced the loss of Andy's dad
Those are just the experiences that have had the most impact on our lives and our marriage. Everyday has not been fun nor easy, but we have grown closer through our experiences. I'm so blessed to have a husband who loves and values his family and makes us his number one priority. I can honestly say that every decision Andy has ever made, he has put me and my feelings first as he made his decision. Thank you Andy for the past 9 years.....You are such an amazing husband!! I love you!

June 13, 2007

June 13, 1998
Posted by Andi at 8:22 PM 7 comments
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Could someone get us a Dentist, Please!!!
Sorry, I couldn't resist!! We went to our friend Hatcher's birthday party on Saturday and in the goody bags were these "lovely" bubba teeth. Of course my boys (and husband) thought they were the greatest things ever!! I'm not kidding....they wore them all day. Andy even drove around with them in his mouth and when we pulled up next to people at a red light he would just look over at them and Smile!!! I must admit, it was pretty funny!! I tried to use the teeth to my advantage and let the kids know that if you eat too much "junk food" or 'sugary snacks" that's what your teeth will really look like....of course, my kids think the teeth are funny. So I'm not so sure if that was a good idea or not.
Posted by Andi at 8:20 PM 7 comments
Tuesday, June 5, 2007
Should I Worry???
Posted by Andi at 9:11 AM 8 comments
Monday, June 4, 2007
Amy's Shower
Saturday, Ella and I traveled to Gulport for my friend Amy's baby shower. Amy and I were sorority sister's in college and were in each other's weddings. She and her husband, Ron Forsythe, are expecting their first baby, Abigail Lynn Forsythe, in July. It was so good to see Amy and visit with some other close friends from college.
Posted by Andi at 11:49 AM 2 comments